We feel highly honored to have you visit our website. We deeply appreciate your interest to fellowship with us through God’s Word and thank you for choosing to be a part of our company.
HeroesMart was set up to create a platform for sharing proven principles of God’s Word, which Christians can use to grow their faith in Christ Jesus. Growth in Christianity can be likened in many ways to the growth of the human body, and this growth can be attributed to the types of food we eat. Right from infancy, a baby is trained to identify and appreciate various types of food: water, milk and meat or solid food. The reason we were trained to appreciate these types of foods is so that we can ultimately respond intelligently to the stimuli of thirst and hunger. A mature adult, for example, has been trained to respond to the stimulus of thirst by drinking water and to respond to the stimulus of hunger by eating solid food.
This understanding may be dismissed as trite and commonplace in the natural, but the same understanding can be applied to the realm of the spirit. It is because of this that God describes several portions of His Word as water, milk and meat. But how can we categorize the Word of God under these major food types? Are there clues in the Bible which we can use to categorize the Word of God? Incidentally, the answer to both questions is "Yes," and this is the sole purpose of HeroesMart. .
We want to create a platform that God's people can use to appreciate the Word of God based on these major food types, to respond intelligently to the stimuli of spiritual thirst and hunger, and consequently to be responsible for their own spiritual nutrition. In the realm of the natural, an adult has enough intelligence to go to a grocery store and shop for natural food; in the same manner, the mature Christian can develop to the extent of shopping for spiritual groceries in the Word of God, preparing the food to form a complete meal and eating such a meal to the benefit of his or her spirit within the comfort of his or her home.
We can tell that you can hardly wait to find out clues from the Word of God that may be used to identify the major food types. Before you dive in to explore various sections of this website though, we want to invite you to read this article. The Water, The Milk & The Meat
Thank you once again for visiting our website.
Stay blessed!
Lan and Nita Olude