“If you falter in a time of trouble, how small is your strength!”
“Sometimes, the devil flees when I resist him, but at other times, he just doesn’t. Can someone help me?” If you identify with this situation, this article is
your help. You are born-again. You have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master. You have faith in the authority that Jesus handed down to you as a member
of the body of Christ. You know that you have authority over the devil and everything he stands for, such as sin, sickness, poverty, fear, anxiety and so on.
But, sometimes the devil just would not yield to your resistance. What is the problem?
The text scripture of this article is strongly suggestive of what may be wrong in these types of situations. Your inner man is not strong enough to face the
challenges on the outside. That is the reason, you often falter in a time of adversity, temptation, trial or trouble. However, there is help in God’s Word.
This is not the time to throw your hands down in despair and despondency. There is help in Jesus. The Recreated Human Spirit, the core of your being, needs
to be strengthened by a spiritual substance known as the life of God through the agency of God’s grace (Hebrews 13:9, Romans 5:21).
This life of God resembles water which is as clear as a crystal and which flows from the throne of God (Revelation 22:1-2). Since we are not the source of this
life, however, we are responsible for staying vitally connected to this life through a conduit pipe of Jesus’ right-standing. Please refer to the article on The
Truth About Right-standing . for a refresher in this regard.
We must ensure that our spirits are constantly filled with this living water to overflowing on all occasions (Ephesians 5:18, John 15:1-5) so that we can
overcome all the challenges on the outside. When the recreated human spirit is not sufficiently filled with this river of living water, a condition of partial
victory over the devil results. So how do we fill our spirits with the life of God to overflowing? We will suggest that you consider the following options.
1. Fellowship with God and obtain revelation knowledge from His Word through faith, study and research (Psalm 119:113, John 1:4).
2. Fellowship with a truly greater person who can baptize you with anointing rather than infirmities.
Please refer to the article on
Acknowledging the Truly Greater for more on this.
3. Exercise faith in partaking of emblems that represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ (John 6:54, 1 Corinthians 10:16-17)
4. Ask God for life based on the promises of His Word (Proverbs 18:20-21, 2 Peter 1:4).
Please refer to the
Power Re-charge Station for
specific promises in this regard.
We invite you to leverage any of the strategies stated above to keep your spirit full of the life God. Charge back at the devil and make him pay seven times for
what he might have stolen from you. You have been given authority over him and everything he stands for.
Please reference additional scriptures below to renew your mind in this regard, and access resources on
to feed your spirit and grow your faith in Christ Jesus.